Configure LACP on a Port

Changes made at the global level override and reset the port-level configuration.
Configure LACP on a port to enable LACP.
You must use the LACP keys to determine which ports are eligible for link aggregation. The LACP keys are defined by the ports after you configure the multilink trunk. You can aggregate the ports key that match the MLT key into that multilink trunk.
Before you begin
When enabling or disabling LACP on a port, as a best practice, disable the port first and re-enable the port after the configuration is complete.
About this task
The minimum LACP configuration is as follows:
Assign a given key to a set of ports. In the following procedure steps, you must assign the key before you enable LACP on the port.
Assign the same key to an MLT with no members. The ports will automatically become MLT members.
Keys do not need to match between two LACP peers.
A port can operate in active or passive mode. You can configure a port to be an individual link or an aggregated link.

When using LACP with private VLANs, configure the private VLAN at the interface level.
- In the Device Physical View tab, select a port.
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select General.
- Select the LACP tab.
- To assign an LACP key, configure ActorAdminKey.
- Select Apply.
- To enable LACP on the port, select AdminEnable.
- Configure the remaining parameters as required.
- Select Apply.
LACP Field Descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the LACP tab.
All parameters beginning with Partner are for debug purposes only. If you configure these commands locally and there is a mismatch with what is learned from the partner, there will be trace or log messages.
Name |
Description |
AdminEnable |
Enables LACP status for the port. The default value is false. |
OperEnable |
Displays the operational status of LACP for the port. The default value is false. |
FastPeriodicTime |
Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using short timeouts for all LACP enabled ports. The default value is 1000. |
FastPeriodicTimeOper |
Displays the operating value of the fast periodic timer on the port. The default value is 1000. |
SlowPeriodicTime |
Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using long timeouts for all LACP enabled ports. The default value is 30000. |
SlowPeriodicTimeOper |
Displays the operating value of the slow periodic timer on the port. The default value is 30000. |
AggrWaitTime |
Specifies the number of milliseconds to delay aggregation so multiple links can aggregate simultaneously. The default value is 2000. |
AggrWaitTimeOper |
Displays the operating value of the aggregate wait timer on the port. The default value is 2000. |
TimeoutScale |
Assigns the value used to calculate timeout time from the periodic time. Configure this value for all LACP-enabled ports. The default value is 3. |
TimeoutScaleOper |
Displays the operating value of the timeout scale on the port. The default value is 3. |
ActorSystemPriority |
Specifies the two octet read-write value indicating the priority value associated with the actor system ID. The default value is 32768. |
ActorSystemID |
Displays the six octet read-write MAC address value used as a unique identifier for the system that contains this aggregator. From the perspective of the link aggregation mechanisms, only a single combination of actor system ID and system priority are considered, and no distinction is made between the values of these parameters for an aggregator and the ports that are associated with it; that is, the protocol is described in terms of the operation of aggregation within a single system. However, the managed objects provided for the aggregator and the port both enable management of these parameters. The result of this is to permit a single piece of equipment to be configured by management to contain more than one system from the point of view of the operation of link aggregation. This can be of particular use in the configuration of equipment that has limited aggregation capability. |
ActorAdminKey |
Configures the aggregation key for this port. The administrative key value can differ from the operational key value. This key must match the LAG key. To return a configured key to the default value, you must first disable LACP aggregation on the port. |
ActorOperKey |
Displays the current operational value of the key for the aggregator. The operational key value can differ from the administrative key value. The meaning of particular key values is of local significance. |
SelectedAggID |
Displays the identifier value of the aggregator that this aggregation port has currently selected. Zero indicates that the aggregation port has not selected an aggregator, either because it is in the process of detaching from an aggregator or because there is no suitable aggregator available for it to select. |
AttachedAggID |
Displays the identifier value of the aggregator to which this aggregation port is currently attached. Zero indicates that the aggregation port is not currently attached to an aggregator. |
ActorPort |
Displays the port number locally assigned to the aggregation port. The port number is communicated in LACPDUs as the Actor_Port. |
ActorPortPriority |
Specifies the priority value assigned to this aggregation port. The default value is 32768. |
ActorAdminState |
Configures one or more of the following:
By default, only lacpActive is enabled. These values enable administrative control over the values of LACP_Activity, LACP_Timeout, and aggregation. |
ActorOperState |
Displays a string of eight bits, corresponding to the current operational values of Actor_State as transmitted by the actor in LACPDUs. The default value is lacpActive. |
PartnerAdminSystemPriority |
Specifies the current administrative value of the port number for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used, along with the value of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminKey, and PartnerAdminPortPriority, to achieve manually configured aggregation. The default value is 0. |
PartnerOperSystemPriority |
Displays a two octet value indicating the operational value of priority associated with the partner system ID. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in PartnerAdminSystemPriority if there is no protocol partner. The default value is 0. |
PartnerAdminSystemID |
Specifies a six octet MAC address value that represents the administrative value of the aggregation port protocol partners system ID. The assigned value is used with the values of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminKey, PartnerAdminPort, and PartnerAdminPortPriority to achieve manually configured aggregation. The default value is 00:00:00:00:00:00. |
PartnerOperSystemID |
Displays a six octet MAC address value that indicates representing the current value of the aggregation port protocol partner system ID. A value of zero indicates that there is no known protocol partner. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in PartnerAdminSystemID if there is no protocol partner. The default value is 00:00:00:00:00:00. |
PartnerAdminKey |
Specifies the current administrative value of the key for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used with the value of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminPort, and PartnerAdminPortPriority to achieve manually configured aggregation. The default value is 0. |
PartnerOperKey |
Displays the current operational value of the key for the aggregator current protocol partner. If the aggregation is manually configured, this value is assigned by the local system. The default value is 0. |
PartnerAdminPort |
Specifies the current administrative value of the port number for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used, along with the value of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminKey, and PartnerAdminPortPriority, to achieve manually configured aggregation. The default value is 0. |
PartnerOperPort |
Displays the operational port number assigned to this aggregation port by the aggregation port protocol partner. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in AggPortPartnerAdminPort if there is no protocol partner. The default value is 0. |
PartnerAdminPortPriority |
Specifies the current administrative value of the port priority for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used with the values of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminKey, and PartnerAdminPort to achieve manually configured aggregation. The default value is 0. |
PartnerOperPortPriority |
Displays the priority value assigned to this aggregation port by the partner. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in PartnerAdminPortPriority if there is no protocol partner. The default value is 0. |
PartnerAdminState |
Specifies a string of eight bits, corresponding to the current administrative value of Actor_State for the protocol partner, by selecting check boxes. The assigned value is used to achieve manually configured aggregation. The default value is none. |
PartnerOperState |
Displays a string of eight bits, corresponding to the current values of Actor_State in the most recently received LACPDU transmitted by the protocol partner. In the absence of an active protocol partner, this value can reflect the manually configured value PartnerAdminState. The default value is none. |